
Monday, 19 December 2016



Today, I want to talk about action orientation.

1. I draw great insights from Booker Washington's assertion that, "No idle person is ever safe, whether he be rich or poor, white or black, educated or illiterate."

2. "No man ever gets over a fence by wishing himself on the other side."

Effort is needful. He must climb.

Similarly, no man gets out of the rut of dull, tiresome and monotonous life by merely wishing himself out of the rut. He must call his limbs and mind to vigorous and ceaseless actions.

3. In life, we either advance or decline. We can never stand still. If you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards relative to the evolutionary trend."

4. Each time we make bold attempts to accomplish something worthy, it grants us the motivation and capacity to do greater things.

Every achievement always becomes the foundation of the next successive achievements.

5. What do you want to accomplish? Write..

What do you think is the first step?...

Can you take the step today? Yes you can!

Vance Hance wrote, "The vision must be followed by the venture. It's not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs."

This is the bit I carry the capacity to send today.

Tomorrow, we continue with the next bit, the next set of GOLDEN NUGGETS!

Until then, this is your friend, and fellow passenger, along the path to personal progress and happiness.

Abib Olamitoye.
Be of good cheer.
Be happy.
Be fulfilled.
Be grateful.
Be blessed.

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